


Type : Other Article

Use of Ontology in Content Management by Developing Concept Maps and Topic Maps

P. Supriya, V.K.Yadav and Anil Kumar Sindhu


Currently, we find farmers facing various problems while cultivating a crop. They approach research organizations for a better solution. A delay in obtaining the solution can badly affect the farmer and he may incur a huge loss. Therefore, getting a real time solution is very important to the farmer for his sustainable source of revenue. Information & Communication Technology (ICT) can play a key role in providing solutions in time. Though various ICT tools are available, mostly computers with Internet are being widely used to provide information to farmers. As farmers find difficulty in operating a computer, extension worker can act as a mediator to retrieve the data and provide it to a farmer. The extension worker spends much time to search the content available at various sources in a scattered manner and then provide the appropriate information required by the farmer. The content management systems (CMS) help in maintaining the scattered content present in a particular format. But, through CMS it is difficult to retrieve the definite data while, ontology helps in easy retrieval of data and also describes resource location. Ontology is a model of organized knowledge in a restricted domain. It refers to the representation of various concepts and the relationships between these concepts. Concept maps and topic maps use ontology to represent relationships among various concepts and topics. The present study was taken up during 2008 to develop concept maps and topic maps for Sorghum crop

Keyword: Content; Concept maps; Topic maps;

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