Rethinking Social Ecology in a Digital Landscape

Date : Proposed date November 07-09, 2025

Venue : Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar


Rethinking Social Ecology in a Digital Landscape

Proposed Date  :  November 07-09, 2025
Venue  :   Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar  

The digital age has woven a complex web around our lives, fundamentally altering how we interact with each other and the environment. Social ecology, traditionally focused on the intricate dance between human societies and their natural surroundings, now waltzing to a new rhythm – the frenetic clicks, swipes, and shares dominating our digital world. The digital age has irrevocably transformed the way we interact with each other and the environment. Our social spheres have expanded beyond physical borders, woven into a complex tapestry of online communities and interactions. This digital landscape presents both unprecedented challenges and opportunities for the field of social ecology. Traditional social ecology focuses on the intricate relationship between human societies and their natural surroundings. However, the rise of social media, ubiquitous computing, and the constant hum of the virtual world necessitate a fundamental re-evaluation of these dynamics. How do "likes" and "shares" translate into real-world environmental action? Can online communities foster a sense of stewardship for the planet, or do they exacerbate our disconnect from nature?

This exploration delves into the heart of social ecology in the digital age. We will dissect the intricate web of online interactions, unpacking how they influence our perception of the environment and our capacity for collective action. We will explore the potential of technology to bridge the gap between awareness and activism, fostering a sense of global responsibility for our shared biosphere. But we must also confront the potential pitfalls – the echo chambers, misinformation, and the seductive allure of the virtual at the expense of the real.

This new landscape presents a fascinating paradox. On the one hand, social media platforms connect us like never before, fostering online communities and raising awareness about environmental issues at lightning speed. On the other hand, these same platforms can create echo chambers, exacerbate social inequalities, and distract from the tangible actions needed for real change.

Rethinking social ecology in this digital landscape is no longer optional, it's imperative. This exploration delves into the intricate connections between our online and offline worlds, examining how technology shapes our relationship with the environment. We will dissect the potential of digital tools for environmental activism while acknowledging the challenges they pose. Ultimately, we will seek to bridge the gap between online engagement and real-world impact, fostering a future where social media becomes a springboard for sustainable action, not a breeding ground for apathy.

Themes of the Congress :

Theme 1: Digital Communities and Environmental Action

Sub –Themes

  1. 1.    Global scenario on the mobilization of communities on environmental issues
    2.    Global trends of the importance of social media for sustainable social ecology
    3.    The challenges of misinformation and echo chambers in environmental discourse
    4.    The role of online activism in driving real-world change
    5.    Successful cases for the sustenance of social ecology
    6.    Capacity building and networking for restoring ecology: India and Abroad

Theme 2: Technology and the Environment


1.      The environmental impact of the digital world (e-waste, energy consumption).

2.      The potential of technology for environmental monitoring and conservation.

3.      Exploring innovative solutions like citizen science and gamification for environmental action.

4.      The role of artificial intelligence in environmental decision-making.

Theme-3: Redefining Social Connection in a Digital Age


1.      The impact of social media on our connection to nature.

2.      Can virtual experiences cultivate a sense of environmental empathy?

3.      Building online communities that bridge the gap between awareness and action.

4.      Promoting digital literacy for responsible environmental engagement.

Theme-4: The Future of Social Ecology


1.      Envisioning a future where digital tools empower sustainable practices.

2.      Developing metrics to measure the impact of online environmental action.

3.      Fostering collaboration between social scientists, technologists, and environmental policymakers.

4.      Reimagining social ecology education for the digital age.

Our Achievements

The SEEA is regularly publishing its journal "Indian Research Journal of Extension Education (IRJEE)" and organizing "National Extension Education Congress (NEEC)" and "International Extension Education Congress (IEEC)" in different parts of Country for professional growth of its members and addressing issue pertaining to extension education.

Our Sponsors