


Type : Other Article

Training Needs of Goat Keepers in Maharashtra

Mangesh Tekale, D.S. Deshmukh, Prakashkumar Rathod and Manish Sawant


An ex-post facto study was conducted in Jalna district of Maharashtra State with the objective to know the training needs of goat keepers. The study revealed that about 35 per cent and 37 per cent of respondents ’ perceived training needs in goat care and management as ‘most important ’ and ‘not important ’ activity respectively. About 24 and 41 per cent of farmers perceived training needs in goat feeding management as ‘most important ’ and ‘important ’ activity respectively while about 33 and 38 per cent of farmers perceived training needs in goat breeding management as ‘most important ’ and ‘important ’ activity respectively. With regards to health care and disease control management, 45 and 30 per cent goat keepers felt training as most important and important respectively while about 34 and 36 per cent of farmers perceived training needs in goat marketing management as ‘most important€™ and ‘important€™ activity respectively. Majority of respondents preferred training of one week duration during summer season in their own village. The study concluded that, goat keepers needed training on feeding and health care management to a greater extent to improve the production potential of goats. Hence, Extension agencies should disseminate information based on training needs at the field conditions for livelihood security of the farmers

Keyword: Goat Keepers; Maharashtra

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