


Type : Other Article

Techno-economic Change among the Beneficiary Farmers of Participatory Irrigation Management Society of Mehsana District of G

J.K. Patel and M.R.Prajapati


The Mehsana District of Gujarat state was purposively selected for the study. Among the seven talukas of the district three talukas viz., Visnagar, Vijapur and Vadnagar were leading talukas for participatory activities carried out by the irrigation department and other institutions. For the selection of talukas, villages/PIMS and respondents, multistage random sampling technique was employed. Total 200 respondents from 20 selected PIMS were selected using proportionate random sampling techniques. The data were collected by personal interview. Based on the finding of the study, a great majority of the beneficiary farmers were found medium to high techno-economic change. The variables viz., education, caste, social participation, socio-economic status, occupation, size of land holding, cropping intensity, annual income, economic motivation, scientific orientation, risk-preference, attitude towards PIMS, knowledge of recommended water management practices, contact with extension agency and utilization of information sources were positively and significantly associated with techno-economic change. Multiple regression analysis indicated that all variables exerted as much as 73.12 per cent of total variation in techno-economic change. The result of stepwise regression analysis indicated that 72.12 per cent of the total variation in technoeconomic change was accounted by a set of three variables viz., utilization of information sources, attitude towards PIMS and knowledge of recommended water management practices. Results of path analysis inferred that out of 15 variables analyzed 9 variables exerted direct positive effect and 6 variables expressed direct negative effect

Keyword: Beneficiary farmers; Know

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