


Type : Other Article

Study on Awareness and Use of e-Resources Among the Students in Academic and Research Work

Kumari Asha , H.C. Singh , Ashwani Kumar Verma , Rohit and V.K. Sharma


The use of e-resources has become increasingly important in higher education, and this study aims to investigate the level of awareness and use of e-resources among students in agriculture universities of Uttar Pradesh for academic and research work. The study was conducted in 2022, using a structured questionnaire distributed through online Google Forms. A total of 240 responses were received, and data were analyzed to determine the extent of awareness and usage of e-resources among students. The findings revealed that the majority of the students (58.75%) had a medium level of awareness, followed by 21.67% with high awareness and 19.58% with low awareness. The study found no appreciable difference in the understanding of e-resources among students at the chosen agriculture universities, indicating the need for increased awareness campaigns and training programs. The results also showed that 89.58% of students associated with medium to high levels of e-resources use in the study area, demonstrating the potential benefits of these resources for academic and research work. The variables such as age, annual income, ICT competence, and fathers' education were found to have a significant association with the extent of e-resources use among students, highlighting the need for targeted interventions to improve access and usage. This study provides useful insights for educators and policymakers to improve the awareness and use of e-resources among students in agriculture universities of Uttar Pradesh.

Keyword: Awareness; Usage; E-resources; Agricultural University; ICT .

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