


Type : Other Article

Status of Child Labour in Slums of Kanpur Mahanagar, U.P.

Priya Vashishtha, Abha Bhatt & Richa Raj Saxena


Children are blooming flowers of the garden of the society, it is, therefore, a duty on the part of the damaging effective exposure to heat cold and rains and also not to be plucked them to satisfy their whims. Child is the father of man and today’s child is tomorrow’s citizen. Well nourished, educated and socialized child may well prove to be a strong foundation for a nation’s development. Thus, to visualize the child labour in slums of Kanpur Mahanagar, U.P., a study was conducted. For the selection of representative samples multistage random sampling technique was adopted. The total 100 respondents selected for the study were interviewed. The information was analyzed and it was found that majority of the child labourer in Kanpur city were male, illiterate and belonged schedule caste category. Most of the respondents, suffered from large family size, poverty and illiteracy of parents and have I, II and III rank respectively.

Keyword: Child labour, Poverty and Illiteracy

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