


Type : Other Article

Role Performance of Kota Tribal Households in Dairying

Vijay Avinashilingam, N.A., Upayana Singh and Ramkumar


Dairying can be used as a tool for poverty alleviation in the country. The share of dairying in the livestock sector accounts for about 65 per cent indicating the significant role of dairying in the socio-economic situation of our country. The Indian subcontinent is anthropologically indeed rich and varied in terms of ethnic groups, languages, culture and religion. As per the census data of 1991 tribes constitute about 6.78 crores of the total population of our country. Tamil Nadu is a treasure for indigenous technical knowledge in agriculture and allied activities. The Kota tribes, which are being identified as one of the Primitive Tribal Group (PTG) live in seven settlements, generally known as Kotagiri or Kokkal. They are identified in living in places at an elevation of about 1800m Mean Sea Level (MSL) in Kothagiri taluk of Nilgiris district of Tamil Nadu. Women constitute 69 per cent of the labour force in livestock sector as against 35 per cent in crop farming. Farm women’s contribution to agriculture is not adequately reflected in the available statistics and hence there is need for better understanding in this regard. The studies are lagging in the area of role performance, where we can’t differentiate the exact role performed by the males and females of tribal households in the field of dairying. The results of this study through lights on the activities like attending the animal at the time of parturition, post parturient care of animals, feeding and watering of animals, cutting of grass and chopping of straw, grazing of animals, care of sick animals, care of new born calf, milking of animals, control etc were taken regularly and sometimes by the females. Most of the outside activities viz. Taking animals to the hospital and Artificial Insemination (A.I.), Pregnancy Diagnosis (P.D.) etc., repairing of shed, equipments etc., were performed by males. It is clear in overall role performance that most of the dairy farming activities namely breeding, feeding, health care and management were regular activities for females whereas the other activities were performed regularly by males

Keyword: Dairying, Artificial Inse

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