


Type : Other Article

Role Perception of the Trainers of Krishi Vigyan Kendras

H. C. Singh and Rajesh Kumar


This study was conducted in two purposively selected KVKs Dariapur (RaeBareli) and Tharion (Fatehpur) of Uttar Pradesh. All the trainers of these KVKs were directly involved in training programmes selected for the study. Data were collected personally with the help of pre-tested interview schedule and the obtained data were analyzed with the help of percentage to assess the personal traits and role perception of trainers and correlation coefficient to see the relationship between dependent variables (role perception) and independent variables (personal traits) of trainers. It was found from the study that the most of the trainers were 30-40 years of age, forward caste, having Ph. D. qualification, 5-10 years of service experience, having nuclear family with 3-5 members of family and the overall communication skill of trainers was found medium level. The most of trainers had medium level of overall perception about their roles. The role perception of trainers in KVKs were found to be positively and significantly correlated with age, academic qualification, experience, communication ability, communication quality and expertise in preparation & use of training material

Keyword: Personal traits; Communication

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