


Type : Other Article

Role of Frontline Demonstration on Chick Pea for Enhancing the Production in District Ramgarh of Jharkhand

D.K. Raghav, Indrajeet, Dharmjeet Kherwar, Anjani Kumar, A.K. Singh and Jitendra K. Chauhan6


Chickpea ias the most important crop for rabi season in Jharkhand. Farmers cultivated this crop for green pod and pulse grain. The cluster front line demonstration were conducted by Krishi Vigyan Kendra Ramgarh to fulfill the domestic demand and to boost the production and productivity 150 cluster frontline demonstration (CFLDs) on pulse in Chick pea were conducted at 326 farmer’s field by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Ramgarh from 2015-2019 in 60 ha areas. The district productivity (972 kg/ha) is at par with average national productivity 9744kg/ha, although state average1174.0kg/ha is higher than national productivity. The results of CFLDs show a greater impact on farming community due to significant increase in crop yield greater than farmer practice. The results revealed that improved variety of Vijay/ BG-372 and KPG-59 + (Trichoderma viridi 5g/Kg + Rhizobium 10g/kg) + Lime at the time of field preparation @ 250kg/ha with Pheromone trap 10 no./ha and NPV 250ml /ha with need based Pest management, foliar spray of B-20 during flowering time recorded average (three year) highest yield 12.70 q/ha as compared to farmer’s practice i.e. 7.92 q/ha. The same trend was found in case of gross and net monetary returns which was Rs 52275 Rs.25925. and under farmer’s practice it was Rs 37812.5 and Rs. 14737.5 respectively. Benefit cost ratio for demonstration and farmer’s practice was 1.67 and 1.43 respectively. By incorporating proven technologies of chick pea, yield potential and net income can be enhanced to a great extent with increase in the income level of the farming community of the district

Keyword: Extension gap; Technology transfer; Yield; Cluster front line demonstrations; Technology index

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