


Type : Other Article

Problems in Dissemination of Homestead Technologies to Rural Women and Strategies to Overcome them

Veenita Kumari, and R. Vasantha


Educating rural women and creating awareness about modern homestead technologies can go a long way in<br />enhancing their knowledge &amp; skill and ultimately, the productivity of the system and farm incomes. The study was<br />conducted with 15 KVK scientists of Rajendra Agricultural University (RAU) and data was collected by personally<br />interviewing them. The problems expressed and suggested solutions were tabulated and interpreted with meaningful<br />conclusion. Based on the information generated, conceptual framework/ strategies were formulated to overcome<br />the problems. The results highlighted that the major technological problem was high cost of production for some of<br />the technologies hence suggested the scientists to develop more of low cost technologies. The main financial<br />problem was inadequate and untimely release of fund for training programs hence suggested making it available<br />on time and in adequate amount. The major infrastructural problem faced by them was shortage of vehicles and<br />mobile training units with all the essential facilities to disseminate technologies in the remotest areas that should<br />be made available at the KVKs. The organisational problem faced was lack of Subject Matter Specialists (SMSs)<br />for all the allied areas of agriculture and hence suggested to recruit the vacant positions to lessen their work load.<br />The main social problem faced was low literacy rate of rural women and it was suggested to increase the literacy<br />rate of rural women through adult education program. The strategies proposed to overcome these problems were<br />that the Directorate of Extension should facilitate in circulation of technology manuals to all stakeholders, improved<br />infrastructure facilities, adequate and timely release of fund, deployment of additional staff, better and additional<br />transport facilities (mobile units), capacity building and skill up-gradation, improving R-E-F linkage and<br />collaboration of extension scientists with line departments.

Keyword: Problems; Dissemination; Homestead technologies; Rural women; Strategies

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