


Type : Other Article

Problems Faced by Rural Women in Technology Dissemination

Sayanika Borah, Daisy Hazarika and H.C. Kalita


The study was undertaken with an objective to identify the problems of respondents in practicing the technologies dissemination through Home Science extension programmes. The respondents of the present study were rural women from adopted villages of Department of Extension Education, Faculty of Home Science, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat selected purposively. The data were collected through a structured interview schedule prepared by the researcher. It was observed from the findings that the respondents had faced a number of problems in practicing different technologies disseminated through Home Science extension programme. In the area of “ smokeless chullhaâ€ 29 per cent of the respondents faced the problem of “high cost of the pipeâ€. As regards to “Janata cool chamberâ€ 50 percent of respondents had the main problem of “do not have vegetables and fruits in surplus to storeâ€. Whereas 26 per cent of the respondents opined that the main problem in planting nutrition garden was “ non availability of spaceâ€. In case of practicing demonstrated food preparation 47 per cent respondents had faced the problem of “need longer time to prepareâ€. In practicing the programme of demonstrated food preservation a sizeable 22 per cent of the respondents faced the problem of “ingredients are costlyâ€. Problems in the area of income generating activities a sizeable percentage of respondents had faced the common problem of costly materials. Although, the respondents showed wide acceptance of various technologies, the study indicates that the respondents in small numbers faced certain problems in practicing of the different technologies disseminated through Home Science extension programme. Costly raw materials such as pipe, brick, foam, food ingredients etc. were faced by small number of respondents. It is expected that the concerned authority will take into account those issues seriously to improve the future extension programmes. Planning of extension programmes considering the expectations of the respondents will create a conducive learning environment to the respondents during implementation of those programme carried out by the department in future

Keyword: Home Science extension pr

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