


Type : Short Communication

Popularization Organic Farming Practice in Tomato Cultivation Through Front Line Demonstration

Sathya, S., N. Akila and K. Velmurugan


In Namakkal district, Tamil Nadu, tomato is the major vegetable crops and cultivating to extent of 1000 ha in Kharif season. To motivate the farmers to adopt organic farming practice, front line demonstrations was conducted in farmer’s field under kharif season. Farmers motivated to adopt composting and vermicomposting technologies by using biodegradable wastes obtained from their farms and other biocontrol agents’ preparation at their farm holding. Then FLD trails were conducted at selected farmer’s field. From the demo plot, tomato yield was recorded high (245.56 q/ha) and yield increase was 14.59% compared to farmers’ practice. Also results revealed that Virus infestation at fruiting could not be controlled by foliar spraying with bio agents at initial stage of farmers who adopting organic practice. To achieve the potential yield in organic farming practice, farmer’s interest and patience to be needed for 3- 4 years for complete conversion of field into organic farming.

Keyword: Tomatoo organic farming, Yield, BC ratio

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