


Type : Other Article

Participation of Rural Women in Decision Making

A. Mishra, A. Mishra and A.K. Dubey


In Jharkhand vegetable covers about 81.55% area and 84.57% production of total horticultural crops with productivity of 15.35 tonnes /ha. Jharkhand has lower productivity of vegetables as compared to all India average of 16.18 tonnes / ha. Bhindi, brinjal, cauliflower, cabbage, tomato, onion, potato and french beans are major vegetable crops grown. Rural women of Koylanchal participate in various practices of vegetable cultivation. In vegetable cultivation, women perform a variety of tasks both in cultivation as well as marketing. Practices related to vegetable cultivation have now been considered as a family enterprise in which husband and wife participate to share work and pleasure both. Thus, it is expected that all decisions related to practices of vegetable cultivation are also taken jointly. The study focused on rural women of Koylanchal in what extent they participate in decision making process. Women of Koylanchal of low economic category were found to participate in more practices related to vegetable cultivation. Formation of self help group, Mahila Mandal need to be encouraged to increase their knowledge and skill, so that their participation in various practices of vegetable cultivation will not only remove drudgery and also provide adequate nutrient supplements. Thus, there is a great need for involving rural women of Koylanchal in vegetable cultivation as cash crop and their skills in the activities which they are vitally concerned

Keyword: Participation; Decision making

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