


Type : Other Article

Meghalaya State Agricultural Produce Market Committee Act: Trend Analysis of Arrivals and Price of Major Commodities

Ram Singh, Jitendra Chauhan, K. Johny Singh and S.P. Saharan


The study was based on the secondary data collected from the State Agricultural Marketing Board that was set up in 1983. The Regulated Market is managed by the Mawiong Market Committee which is constituted by the government of Meghalaya as per the provision of the Meghalaya. Secondary data were collected from marketing board of Meghalaya for the commodities that are notified by the state government. Compound annual growth and seasonal index were applied for the study. the study reveal that the compound annual growth for quantity arrival of broom stick and tezpatta were positive but for potato it was found to be negative during the year 1996-97 to 2015-16. During December the price of broom stick was found to be highest as the quantity arrival was found to be lowest in this month. But for potato, price was found to be highest in the month of November when the quantity arrival was also highest. During August the price of tezpatta was found to be highest where quantity arrival was low. The peak season for broom stick, potato and tezpatta was found during the month of March, November and January, respectively.


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