


Type : Other Article

Livelihood Diversification of Farmers in Salt Affected Soils in Andhra Pradesh

Jyothi. V and Venkata Subbaiah. P


The study was carried out in YSR Kapada district of Andhra Pradesh during 2019-20 in Rayachoti, Kadapa and Kondapuram mandals. A sample of 240 farmers having salt affected soils and 240 farmers having non-salt affected soils were studied. Livelihood diversification of farmers in salt affected soils indicated that farmers practiced sheep & goat rearing in addition to agriculture, followed by dairy, orchards, coal preparation, fire wood, tamarind and tamarind leaf collection, neem seed kernel collection, broom stick preparation and leaf plate making. The livelihood diversification index recorded was 0.87. Livelihood diversification of farmers in non-salt affected soils indicated that the respondents practiced dairy, sheep and goat rearing in addition to agriculture. The livelihood diversification index recorded was 0.38.

Keyword: Livelihood; Diversification; Salt affected soils; Diversity index

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