


Type : Other Article

Knowledge of Students and Technical Staff about Agricultural Biotechnology in Jharkhand

V.K. Yadav, Nirmal Kumar, Jitendra K. Chauhan, Asit Chakrabarti, Pradip Kr. Sarkar, Priya Ranjan Kumar and Ved Prakash


Agricultural biotechnology deals with genetically modified (GM) crops as well as tissue culture, micropropagation, marker assisted selection, biopesticides, etc. GM crops have potential to meet food requirement of rising population and cope adverse impact of climate change. People are having different opinion about adoption of GM crops. Few people are of the opinion that GM crops may adversely affect human beings as well as animals. But some people are in favour of adoption of GM crops for enhancing productivity and human welfare. Knowledge about agricultural biotechnology especially GM crops is important for providing feedback regarding adoption or rejection of the technology. The present study was taken up to assess the agricultural biotechnology knowledge of students from agriculture and allied disciplines and technical staff of ICAR and State Agriculture University in Jharkhand. Data was collected from 50 students and 50 technicals in Jharkhand. Analysis of data revealed that both students and technicals had less knowledge about GM crops in comparison to non-GM aspects (bio-pesticide, tissue culture, DNA finger printing, marker assisted selection, etc) of biotechnology. Most of the students (76 %) and technicals (60 %) had medium level of knowledge of agricultural biotechnology. Sex of the student respondents had significant correlation (at 0.01 level) with their knowledge level. The outcome of study will be helpful in policy formulation about generating awareness and adoption of agricultural Biotechnology.

Keyword: Agricultural biotechnology; GM crops; Knowledge level; Students; Technicals

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