


Type : Other Article

Knowledge Level of Chickpea Growers about Chickpea Production Technology

M.S. Shakya, M.M.Patel and V.B.Singh


Chickpea, as an important pulse crop, is an integral part of subsistence and sustainable production systems of Madhya Pradesh. Therefore, a study was undertaken to assess the knowledge level of chickpea growers regarding chickpea production technology in Indore district of Madhya Pradesh. A total of 120 chickpea growers were selected as respondents for this study. A ‘knowledge index’ consisting of 10 dimensions was prepared to measure the knowledge level of chickpea growers. The study revealed that the chickpea growers had poor knowledge about soil treatment, high yielding varieties and bio-fertilizer, while majority of them had knowledge about critical stage of irrigation. The majority of the respondents had awareness regarding recommended doses of manures and fertilizer, bio-fertilizer, seed rate, improved varieties, spacing and method of sowing. The socio-economic, communication and psychological factors had significant positive relationship with knowledge level of chickpea growers except age, land holding, and farm mechanization. Cosmo politeness, attitude towards chickpea production technology, scientific orientation, extension participation, economic motivation, mass media exposure and information source utilization were the important factors which had direct and indirect effect on knowledge of chickpea growers

Keyword: Chickpea; Sustainable pro

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