


Type : Other Article

Knowledge Level of Beneficiary and Non-Beneficiary Farmers about Improved Mungbean Production Technology

S. Choudhary and J.P. Yadav


Mungbean is a major kharif pulse crop specially grown in western Rajasthan where Krishi Vigyan Kendra scientists are motivating the farmers to enhance their knowledge level regarding mungbean production technology. It was found that FLD beneficiary farmers (mung bean) were having good knowledge about high yielding varieties(83.44%), plant protection measures (76.22%), organic manure and fertilizers management (70.30%), sowing of seed and spacing (67.33%), soil and field preparation (64.12%), seed treatment (60.89%), harvesting (55.93%), weed management (40.66%), storage (35.11%) practices where as non-beneficiary farmers were reported less knowledge i.e. 67.00, 58.66, 51.27, 49.16, 44.26, 39.75, 39.46, 28.85 and 25.18 per cent with regard to high yield varieties, plant protection measures, organic manure and fertilizers management, sowing of seed and spacing, harvesting, soil and field preparation, seed treatment€, weed management and storage practices, It was suggested that farmers participation in extension activities like training, demonstration, exhibition, agricultural quiz programmes and farmers fair etc, may be increased so that they may learn new things related to improved production technology of munbean

Keyword: FLD; Beneficiary and non-

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