


Type : Other Article

Job Satisfaction and Constraints Perceived by Women Field Veterinarians of Telangana State

Ganji Manisha, R.S. Suman, B.P. Singh and Shyamsundar Sakharam Pawale


In the fi eld, the veterinarian’s role is very efficient who not only shoulders the responsibilities of farmer’s satisfaction but also assists the government with animal husbandry development, as they work as a doctor and an extension agent. That especially when we consider women vet’s responsibilities are found more weighted on their side compared to men, as they have to balance their work and family equally. So, an analysis was conducted to know the job satisfaction and constraints perceived by them in their duty. The study was based on an ex-post facto design. Respondents were selected through the Proportionate random sampling method. Data was collected from 182 women fi eld veterinarians who had above 4 years of experience in their work by e-mailing a semi-structured questionnaire which was prepared using an online platform “Google Forms”. Collected data were analyzed using the “Henry Garrett” ranking method. Results revealed that the majority (71.50%) of the respondents were moderately satisfied with their job. Most of them were facing difficulties with lack of transportation facilities, less manpower, irregular and inadequate medicine supply, lack of need and skill-based training programs, and poor facilities and equipment in their veterinary dispensaries, especially in the rural areas. This study outcome may useful to policymakers, government, SDAH Telangana, and to design measures to mitigate the constraints perceived by the respondents.

Keyword: Job satisfaction; Constraints; Women veterinarians; Field service; Perception.

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