


Type : Other Article

Job Performance of Village Panchayat Leaders

Lekh Ram Verma, K.K. Shrivastava and P. Shrivastava


Present investigation was confined in purposively selected two blocks i.e. Rajnandgaon and Khairagarh of Rajnandgaon district of Chhattisgarh state. From each block 78 village panchayat leader were randomly selected, hence a total 156 village leader were interviewed personally. Majority (72.44%) of the village panchayat leaders had no previous experience of leadership, majority (59.62%) did not attend any training programme. Knowledge about rural development activities and attitude towards panchayati raj institutions positively and highly significant relation with developmental and decisional job performance, attitude towards panchayati raj institutions positively and highly significant contributed with developmental and decisional job performance

Keyword: Developmental job performance; Decisional; Job performance;Village panchayat leaders:

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