


Type : Other Article

Impact of KVK Training Programme on Knowledge and Adoption of Guava Crop Technologies in Chittorgarh District of Rajasthan

R.S. Rathore and S.D. Dhakar


This study was under taken with a view to ascertain the level of knowledge and adoption of improved practices of guava crop as advocated by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Chittorgarh. The guava is one of the leading fruit crops of district. After assessing the training needs, complete package of training programme on guava crop were conducted for selected guava growers in two villages by the Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Chittorgarh. Majority of trainees were aware of recent technological advancement about guava crop like varieties, proper distance and irrigation management but not known about nutrient management, training & pruning, grading and packaging and marketing. Impact also reflects that trainees have had higher level of adoption of recommended practice of guava crops then the non-trainees.

Keyword: Level of knowledge; Training programme; Technological advancement;

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