


Type : Other Article

Impact of Farmers' Field School on Farmer's Knowledge of Integrated Crop Management Practices in Paddy

A. Manoj and K. Vijayaragavan


The present study was conducted in Andhra Pradesh to assess the impact of Farmers ’ Field Schools on knowledge and adoption of Integrated Crop Management (ICM) practices in paddy. A total of three districts were selected purposively from the three regions of Andhra Pradesh based on the area under paddy. The total sample size was 240 comprising 120 FFS farmers and 120 non FFS farmers. The knowledge level of the farmers was measured through a knowledge test developed for the purpose. The data were collected though interview schedule. The study revealed that knowledge level of farmers of FFS was higher than the knowledge of non FFS farmers with regard to all the ICM practices such as integrated nutrient management, seed management, water management and integrated pest management. The results of the t-test showed that the difference between the knowledge level of the FFS and non FFS farmers was statistically significant. It was concluded that FFS methodology is an effective extension tool to enhance farmer’s knowledge related to complex crop management practices in paddy.

Keyword: Knowledge; ICM practices; FFS farmers; Non FFS farmers;

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