


Type : Other Article

Gender Differences on Training Needs Among Farmers' Discussion Groups

P. Punitha, S.B Singh, and R. Netaji Seetharaman


Training needs of Farmers Discussion Groups (FDGs) was undertaken in Coimbatore district, Tamilnadu to study the training needs of men and women FDG members in major subject area and specific subject area. The study indicated that 74 per cent of men FDG members preferred training on plant protection measures whereas 72 per cent of women FDG preferred training in harvesting among the major areas. Training on cropping pattern, soil reclamation and improvements were other important areas preferred by the FDG members. With regard to specific subject matter areas, the preference varies within each specific area. Multiple regression analysis reveals that of the fifteen selected variables only one variable viz. contact with extension agency had shown positively significant influence on training needs. Age had shown negatively significant impact on training needs indicating old members have little interest on training needs as compared to young and energetic members. It suggested consideration of preference of FDG members, reorientation of training separately for men and women, emphasis on innovative methods in farming and selection of young and middle aged members while planning training program for FDGs

Keyword: Training needs; Farmers discussion group;

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