


Type : Other Article

Front Line Demonstrations on Improved Management Practices in Redgram - A Cluster Approach

V. Jyothi and P. Venkata Subbaiah


In view of the delayed onset of monsoons the redgram variety LRG 52 named Amaravathi having medium duration was introduced in farmers fields during 2016-17 and 2017-18 by way of Front Line Demonstrations in cluster approach. A total of 30 Front Line demonstrations were organized in cluster approach in 30 ha in Krishna district of Andhra Pradesh. Along with the varietal introduction the whole package of improved management practices were demonstrated. The potential yield of the demonstrated variety LRG 52 is 22.50 q/ ha. A highest yield of 18.75 q/ha was recorded in the demo fields, while the lowest yield recorded was 17.00 q/ ha with an average yield of 17.80 q/ha. The check variety recorded an average yield of 12.50 q/ha. In the demonstration plot the average gross cost recorded was Rs. 27,000/ha, with an average gross return of Rs. 80,100/ha, accounting to the average net return of Rs. 51,450/ha with a benefit cost ratio of 2.79:1. In the check plot average gross cost recorded was Rs. 28,650/ha, with an average gross return of Rs. 56,250/ha, accounting to the average net return of Rs. 27,600/ha with a benefit cost ratio of 1.96:1. The demonstrated improved practices were found to be superior when compared to farmers practice. The farmers expressed positive attitude towards the technology. Key words: FLD; Cluster approach; LRG 52; Improved practices;

Keyword: FLD; Cluster approach; LRG 52; Improved practices;

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