


Type : Other Article

Farmers' Technical Experience about Production Technologies of Mothbean Cultivation in Western Region of Rajasthan

P. Singh, H.L. Jat and S.K. Sharma


The study was conducted in hyper arid partially irrigated western plain zone-Ic of Rajasthan with selection of Bikaner and Churu districts with the sample size of 316 respondents, they were cultivating mothbean for last 5 years. Results indicated that majority of respondents had medium knowledge. Cultivators possessed technology wise high knowledge about irrigation management, sowing time, seed rate and method of sowing and use of improved seed. The farmers possessed very little knowledge about application of culture, seed treatment and recommended spacing in respect to mothbean cultivation technology regarding component wise knowledge. Most of the farmers had good knowledge about recommended production technologies. Out of fifteen independent variable only two variables i.e. credit behaviour and economic motivation were found non-significantly associated with knowledge level of the farmers about recommended production technologies of mothbean cultivation

Keyword: Hyper arid; Irrigation ma

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