


Type : Other Article

Extent of Adoption of Improved Practices of Mango Production by Mango Growers in Muzaffarnagar District of Uttar Pradesh

K. V. Singh, G. P. Singh and A. Priyadarshi


A study conducted among mango fruit growers revealed that nearly sixty per cent of fruit growers had moderate extent of adoption of mango production technology. With respect to extent of adoption of fruit growers on various components of improved mango production technology, majority of them had fully adopted land preparation, method of propagation, time, method and distance of planting, planting density, irrigation time, training and pruning, and harvesting method. Majority of farmers had partial adoption of such practices as adoption of high yielding variety, selecting good nursery, interculture practices, harvesting, packing and handling. However, majority of farmers did not adopt such practices as summer ploughing, application of manure and fertilizers (dose, time and method), intercrops, plant growth regulators, green manuring, insect pests and diseases, physiological disorders, and marketing procedures. Among the correlates of extent of adoption of mango production technology, religion, land size, education, farm power, socio-economic status, risk taking behaviour, innovativeness, economic aspiration, scientific orientation and credit orientation were positively and significantly associated with fruit grower’s extent of adoption of improved mango production technology at 0.01 level of probability. Regression analysis of extent of adoption of fruit growers on improved mango production technology revealed that level of knowledge of mango cultivation practices was found to be contributing positively and significantly in predicting the extent of adoption of mango fruit growers

Keyword: Extent of Adoption; Impro

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