


Type : Other Article

Examining the Relationship Between the Personal Profile and Employability of Postgraduate Scholars

Shubham Mishra, G.S. Bangarva and F.L. Sharma


The present study was conducted in the state of Rajasthan by selecting three agriculture universities MPUAT (Udaipur), SKNAU (Jobner) & SKRAU (Bikaner) purposively. Among these three universities 90 respondents were selected randomly. The basic information regarding the personal profile characteristics were collected from the P.G. & Ph.D scholars. The Coefficient of correlation ‘r’ value clearly showed that academic performance was significant coefficient correlation at one per cent in MPUAT, SKNAU & five per cent in SKRAU with their employability. The other variables like medium of instruction at school level, father’s education, mother’s education, involvement in extracurricular activity in all three selected universities, library in SKNAU & MPUAT & computer exposure only in MPUAT were significant coefficient correlation at five per cent with their employability. Keywords:- Employability; Coefficient correlation; Postgraduate scholars;

Keyword: MPUAT, Employability, Coefficient correlation; Postgraduate scholars;

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