


Type : Other Article


Mamta Tiwari


Soyabean is a legume produces in abundance in Rajasthan and it is rich of protein & a cash crop of Hadoti region. Soya foods are considered as nutritious, economic and health promoting for children and elderly people. Therefore numbers of women empowerment trainings are conducted through Krishi Vigyan Kendra Kota district of Rajasthan to make people aware for its nutritional value and entrepreneurship developments. It is mainly popularized among pregnant and lactating women, adolescent girls, body builders, infants and diabetic patients. The present study was conducted to know the knowledge gain about soyanean products through trainings & to study the entrepreneurship development in production and promotion of soya based food products. This study was conducted in the year 2001- 2002 on 29 participants of women training program conducted by Krishi Vigyan Kendra Kota. For the interpretation of the data mean and standard deviation were calculated to assess the extent of knowledge gain among the women for different soya technologies and byproducts. It was found out that after the training their knowledge related to soyabean production, its utility for health, processing of soyabean, protein contain etc. were reached up to great extent (82.7 %). It can be due to their curiosity to know more about soyabean and its products, since it is a main cash crop of Hadoti region, it is rich source of protein where as people are suffering with malnutrition. Knowledge of women was tremendously improved after the training regarding soyabean contains less cholesterol, it contain dietary protein in abundance compared to other food products and it was useful for pregnant & lactating women respectively. They tested their products and found it appropriate to sell it in the market. 89.6% women become confident in preparing soya biscuit & sattu independently. It might be due to more technology and appropriateness required for preparing such products.

Keyword: Soyabean; Nutritional value; Entrepreneurship developments; Pregnant and lactating women; Adolescent girls; Body builders; infants and diabetic patients;

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