


Type : Other Article

Effectiveness of the Training Programme on the Trainees: A Study in Assam

Niberto Sangma, Pallabi Das and Pallabi Bora


The present study was undertaken to ascertain the relationship between training effectiveness in terms of perceived usefulness, knowledge gained, and skills developed with socio personal, professional, and psychological characteristics of the trainees attending training programs conducted by five KVKs of Upper Brahmaputra Valley Zone of Assam. A total number of 125 respondents were selected using a random sampling technique. The data were collected by means of a personal interview schedule. The findings revealed that the majority (82.40 %) of the respondents have a medium level of achievement motivation. The result obtained from the study revealed that the size of operational land holding, annual income, extension contact, and achievement motivation had a significant and positive relationship with the usefulness of training programs. It was found that age, size of operational land holding, annual income, extension contact, and achievement motivation of the respondents have a significant relationship with the knowledge gained from the training program. Moreover, age, size of family annual income, extension contact, and achievement motivation of the respondents had a positive significant relationship with skills developed from the training program

Keyword: Society of Extension Education, Training programs, KVKs of Upper Brahmaputra Valley Zone of Assam

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