


Type : Other Article

E-resource Exposure of the Farm Women for Agricultural Information Network Output Development : A Study

Ganesh Das and Sarthak Chowdhury


E-resource is important agricultural information sources in twenty first century. The use of e-resource in agriculture is increasing day by day. Farm women are the major agricultural human resources of India. But it is observed from different study that they less visited extension institute due to some constraints. So, there is lot of opportunity is present to provide the agricultural information to the farm women through e-resource. But very limited study was done on extent of use of e-resources by the farm women for agricultural information network output development. Keeping this in view the present study was undertaken to fi nd out the e-resource exposure of the farm women for agricultural information network output development in terms of knowledge. Ex post facto research design was followed and both non- probabilistic sampling and probabilistic sampling method were used for selection of the sample. It was found from the study that majority of the farm women were networking with the mobile apps and WhatsApp. This study further revealed that mobile apps and WhatsApp play an important role of agricultural information network output development of the farm women.

Keyword: e-Resource, Farm women, Agricultural information network output. e-Resource like mobile apps and WhatsApp

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