


Type : Other Article

Constraints Faced by Dairy Farm Women: A Study in Nainital District of Uttarakhand

Arpita Sharma, Sunil Kumar and Naresh Kumar Kandpal


Women play a very important role in shaping the country ’s economy through their active participation in agriculture and allied sector. In India animal husbandry is the core activity which forms the backbone of National Economy and in hill areas women are the pillars of the Indian agriculture and the Animal husbandry. Animal husbandry is an allied activity of agriculture and thus it forms an integral part of the rural economy. Involvement of women in livestock management is tradition in India, where domestic animals have been an integral part of the family system. In hill areas of Nainital district rural women are unaware about many aspects related to dairy farming. They are facing many constraints in dairy farming. Keeping this fact in view, the present study was undertaken in Nainital district of Uttarakhand with specific objectives that were to study the socio-economic characteristics of dairy farm women and to document the constraints faced by women engaged in dairy farming. Result revealed that majority of respondents belonged to General caste and middle age group category and they were educated upto primary level. Majority of respondents were involved in dairy farming and have 3-7 nali cultivable land. The entire respondent owned Mobile Phone and television. Majority of respondents reported that they were facing the problem of reproductive disorders in the milch animals, lack of market access for input, worm infestation, unawareness of improved dairy practices, inadequate training regarding dairy farming and high cost of feed and ingredients like mineral mixture and also face problems from wild animals.

Keyword: Constraints; Dairy; Women; Animal husbandry

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