


Type : Research Article

Constraints and Problems Faced by Trainees in the Adoption of Chickpea Production Technology

D.K. Singh, S.B.Agrawal, Neelu Vishwakarma and Deepmala Singh


Training programmes should therefore be planned and implement to teach relevant and specific skill, which suitably meet the requirement of farmers. KVK as Knowledge and serve as the ‘Light House” for rapid agricultural development by providing vocational training to farmers, farm women, rural youth and other allied functionaries in the field of agriculture and allied sectors. In Sihora blocks 56 training programmes were conducted by KVK Jabalpur during last five years on chickpea production technology and the number of beneficiaries were 1160. Out of them 60 trainees were selected for the purpose of study. The profile of trainees with respect education, social status, caste, land holding, annual income, social participation, Use of social information and Contact with development agencies are presented in results. It is comes in to the notice that major constraints in the production of chickpea was the sickness of soil stood Rank I followed by lack of improve variety and quality seed to the growers Rank IInd as well as lack of low cost subsidized implements which are the essential tools for application of pesticides Rank III.

Keyword: Constraints; Problem; Trainees; Training; Chickpea production;

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