


Type : Other Article

Constants in Adoption of Improved Buffalo Husbandry Practices in Haryana

R. A. Pachauri, V.B. Dixit & A. Bharadwai


The study was conducted in four districts of Haryana - two developed and two less developed and 240 respondents of 8 villages constituted the sample. On the basis of intensive review, 50 major constraints which hindered the adoption of improved buffalo husbandry practices in the state were identified and were classified into four aspects namely: breeding, feeding, management and health. The respondents were asked about the seriousness of these constraints on three point continuum. The overall percentage means constraints score was 68.71 per cent which indicated that the farmers perceived these constraints ‘seriously’. Significant difference was observed in the perception of seriousness of constraints with regard to breeding, feeding and health practices in developed and less developed districts. The study also revealed that income and herd size were positively and significantly associated with the perception of constraints in developed districts while only herd size was significantly correlated with the perception of seriousness of constraints in less developed districts. Caste, land holding size and herd size were the three independent variables which influenced the perception regarding seriousness of constraints to a significant extent. The respondents belonging to different socio-economic strata's differed significantly with regard to perception of constraints in buffalo husbandry practices.

Keyword: Constraints, Adoption and Buffalo Husbandry

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