


Type : Other Article

Bottlenecks in Commercializing Cymbidium Orchids in Darjeeling

Ram Pal, R. P. Medhi and N. K Meena


Growing of orchids (Cymbidiums) in Darjeeling district of West Bengal started as hobby a few decades ago and it is now a subsidiary income generation activity of many farmers in the district. The district has immense potential in terms of favorable climatic conditions and skilled man power for converting it to a full time commercial venture to meet ever expanding demand of cut flowers in domestic and export markets. The paper provides background information on current status of Cymbidium orchid cultivation in the district and problems facing growers. The major problems confronted by the growers were lack of knowledge about management of disease and pests, post harvest handling of cut flowers, lack of infrastructural facilities, high cost of planting material and marketing outlets. Majority of farmers suggested that quality planting material of orchids should be made available at subsidized rate, trainings for identification and management of diseases and pests should be organised, credit through banks and infrastructure should be developed for proper development of orchid industry in the region

Keyword: Cymbidium; Darjeeling; Or

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