


Type : Other Article

Biomass Recycling and Integrated Nutrient Management in Banana-A Farmer Participatory Research

Sheeba Rebecca Isaac1 and Bindu Podikunju2


Abstract: The need for reducing chemical usage in banana necessitated an on farm testing programme on integrated nutrient management in Nendran banana during 2009-10 in farmers’ field in Kollam district. The trial to assess the effectiveness of organic wastes composted using earthworms, enriched with chemical fertilizers at 50% substitution and using biofertilisers on the growth and performance of Nendran in farmers’ fields revealed highest yields and returns in the fields where chemical source of N was used for enrichment (20.2 t/ha) and significantly superior to biofertilisers (13.2 t/ha). The results of the trial projects the need for integration of nutrient sources for higher yields in banana and the responses of the farmers reveal their acceptance of the technology of vermicomposting as an ideal method of disposal and recycling of organic wastes

Keyword: Recycling, enrichment, ve

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