


Type : Other Article

Assessment and Analysis of Awareness Level of Communication Sources Among the Farming Community of Manipur

Amita Hanglem, R. Saravanan and K. Pradhan


In the changing global scenario, to make agricultural society knowledge intensive and knowledge vibrant one, the appropriate communication strategy can play a pivotal role. In such a situation awareness regarding the sources of communication among the prime movers of the agricultural system is too much in need. Keeping this in view, the study was conducted with an aim to analyze the awareness level regarding the communication sources of the farming community and identify the associated attributes with it. The multistage purposive and proportionate random sampling procedure was followed to identify the respondents of the study. The data were collected from farmers with the help of Agriculture Officers (AOs), Training Officers (TOs) and Village Level Workers (VLWs) using structured interview schedule through personal interview method. The findings of the study revealed that majority of the farmers were in middle age group having medium level of education, land holding, socio-economic status, cosmopoliteness and scientific orientation. Awareness of communication sources, education, socio-economic status, information seeking behaviour and market orientation were found to have significant difference among the farmers of different land holding size. Awareness of communication sources, socio-economic status, scientific orientation, information seeking behaviour and market orientation were found significantly different among the whole population However, the association of farmers’ awareness and with personal and socio-economic characteristics differs between the two districts. Significant association was found between awareness of communication sources and level of education, land holding, socio-economic status, cosmopoliteness, scientific orientation, information seeking behaviour and market orientation.

Keyword: Sources of communication; Knowledge vibrant society; Mann-Whitney U test; Kruskal Wallis test;

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