


Type : Research Article

Assessing the Impact of Soybean Crop on Yield and Income of The Farmers in Kolhapur District of Maharashtra

Ravindra Singh, Pandurang A. Kale and Sunil Kumar


Context: Soybean (Glycine max L.) is one of the most important oilseed crop cultivated in Kolhapur district of Maharashtra. The present investigation was carried out at KVK, Kaneri, Kolhapur during 2021-22 to 2023-24, to demonstrate the improved variety Phule Kimaya (KDS-753) and Phule Sangam (KDS-726) and performance in intercrop with the scientific package and practices to improve the production of soybean. Objective: Introduction of new varieties of Soybean (Phule Kimaya (KDS -753) and Phule Sangam (KDS-726)) was demonstrated and their yield performance was assessed for further adoption for more yields. Methods: The beneficiaries were selected through Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) technique. A total of 150 demonstrations were conducted in two consecutive rabi seasons. The technology gap, extension gap, technology index, and economic parameters were compared with farmers’ practice. Results & Discussion: The extension gap was ranged from 366-750 kg/ha with an average of 592 kg/ha for solo crop and 375 kg/ha for Inter Cropping. The technology gap varied from 1475 to 575 kg/ha followed by technology index varied from average of 28.75 (Solo crop) 35.86 Kg/ha. The higher average cost of cultivation (Rs.45925/ha), gross returns (Rs. 1,21,899/ha for sole crop and Rs. 1,13,990 for intercrop) and net returns (Rs. 77,631/ha for sole crop and Rs. 69838 for Intercrop) were recorded with benefit-cost ratio of 1.7 for sole crop and 1.6 for intercrop. Significance: There is a need for additional training to optimize overall outcomes in oilseed production.

Keyword: Soybean, Cluster front line demonstrations CFLDs, Yield Gap, Extension Gap and Technology Gap

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