


Type : Other Article

Adoption of Production Technology of Chilli inGuntur District of Andhra Pradesh

Kiranmayi. K, Vijayabhinandana. B & Jyothi. V


between selected profile characteristics and adoption behaviour of Chilli farmers. For the purpose of study 120 farmers growing Chilli crop were selected. Ex post facto research design was followed. The collected data were processed through descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. The correlation analysis revealed that age, education, family type, annual income, extension contact, mass media exposure, scientific orientation, risk orientation and market orientation had positive and significant relationship with the adoption of recommended package of practices. Further, Multiple Linear Regression analysis showed that all the independent variables of owner farmers put together explained 83.34 per cent variation embedded with the dependent variable, adoption of Chilli farmers; while the independent variables of tenant farmers all together explained 79.50% variation in adoption of Chilli farmers.

Keyword: Chilli; Adoption; Correlation; Owner farmers; Tenant farmers

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