


Type : Other Article

Adoption Level of IPM Practices in Cabbage and Cauliflower growers of Manipur

Daya Ram, D.K.Pandey, U. Supriya Devi and T.M. Chanu


The diverse agro-climatic situations in the North Eastern Region offer excellent scope for growing different fruits and vegetables crops. There is immense potential for vertical and horizontal growth in horticulture sector in the region. However, attack of disease and pest particularly in vegetable crops are higher in the region. Keeping this in view the present study on adoption level of IPM practices was carried out in Imphal East District of Manipur. By following proportionate random sampling method 100 vegetable growers were selected and primary data were collected though personal interview method. Findings revealed that majority of the respondents had medium level of adoption of IPM practices while equal per cent of respondents (20%) had high and low level of adoption, respectively. With regard to cultural practices, majority of the farmers had adopted the practice of transplanting of recommended number of seedling per hill. As mechanical control measures, the use of bamboo-cage-cum-perchers to control pest in cole crops had adopted by 70 per cent farmers. In respect to biological control measures, use of neem products/neem-based pesticide was also noticed in case of 40 per cent farmers. Application of chemical control measures was insignificant among the farmers. Among the cultural, mechanical, biological and chemical measures of integrated pest management, respondents mainly followed cultural and mechanical methods for management pest of cabbage and cauliflower crops. Utilization of locally available resources and promotion of the Farmers Participatory Approach by incorporating the vegetable growers ’ indigenous wisdom about the Biopesticides and the natural enemies of the pests of the vegetables in the sphere of IPM techniques of the vegetables grown by the farmers is very essential in this State

Keyword: Integrated Pest Management

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