


Type : Other Article

Adoption and Adoption Gap of Goat Keepers towards Recommended Goat Rearing Practices

K.N. Yadaw and M.L. Sharma


The study was conducted in 12 selected villages of three blocks of Mahasamund district of Chhattisgarh. A total of 120 respondents were randomly selected from the selected villages for the study. This study aims to assess the extent of adoption of recommended goat rearing practices by goat keepers. The data collection was done by the use of pretested structured interview schedule and through personal interview. The findings revealed that 80 per cent of the respondents had low level of adoption regarding improved feeding followed by 82.50 per cent had medium level of adoption regarding improved breeding, 76.67 per cent had medium level of adoption regarding improved management and 85 per cent had medium level of adoption about improved health care practices and on the overall basis the level of adoption regarding improved management was 58.27 per cent followed by improved breeding(55.41%), improved health care practices(52.40%) and improved feeding(29.33%). Adoption gap is highest in improved feeding (70.67%) overall adoption was noted to be 50.95 per cent and adoption gap was 49.05 per cent. In correlation coefficient of selected 17 independent variables only 7 variables i.e. occupation, land holding, knowledge about recommended goat rearing practices, Cosmo politeness, extension contact, number of animal, housing pattern showed significant contribution in the adoption of recommended goat rearing practices and in multiple regression only 4 variables i.e. annual income, credit acquisition, knowledge about recommended goat rearing practices and Cosmo politeness showed the significant contribution in the adoption of recommended goat rearing practices

Keyword: Adoption; Adoption gap; G

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