


Type : Other Article

Achievement Motivation of Women Entrepreneurs

Seemaprakalpa and Manju Arora


Achievement motivation is an urgent motive to excel in one’s personal life. It also includes work for social welfare and influence the environment. Women as an entrepreneur are taking-up various enterprises according to their knowledge, skills. With the passage of years number of women entrepreneurs gradually is increasing. The entrepreneurs require knowledge regarding particular enterprise, marketing and awareness regarding products. With this in view, this study was carried out to explore the level of achievement of 60 women entrepreneurs running boutiques and beauty parlors. For assessing the achievement motivation of women entrepreneurs, Thematic Apperception Test was used with slight modifications. Percentage and co-efficient of correlation was used as a statistical measure. The study showed that majority of entrepreneurs was possessing moderate achievement motivation. The objectivity was limited to the extent of the entrepreneurs ’ honest opinions. In spite of these limitations, it is hoped that the findings of this study would provide a better insight in preparing the training plan for entrepreneurship development among women

Keyword: Psychological Attributes;

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