


Type : Other Article

A Scale to Measure the Attitude Towards Entrepreneurial Motivation of Agripreneurs

Elakkiya. S. and M. Asokhan


A shift from agriculture to agribusiness is an essential pathway to revitalize Indian agriculture and to make more attractive and profitable venture. Agri-preneurship has potential to generate growth, diversifying income, providing widespread employment and entrepreneurial opportunities in rural areas. Stabilization and growth of agricultural production results in rapid advancement in output and employment in agro-industries. The study aims to develop a scale to measure the attitude towards entrepreneurial motivation of agripreneurs. Thurstone and Chave’s (1929) equal appearing intervals scale method was adopted to develop the scale. The fi nal scale comprised ten statements, which are having universe of content, uniform distribution of scale values along the psychological continuum and high “scale values” and lower “Q” values and more or less equal number of favourable and unfavorable attitude items.

Keyword: Agripreneurs; Attitude; Entrepreneurial motivation; Equal appearing interval scale.

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