


Type : Other Article

A Profile of Rural Women Trained in Krish Vigyan kendras of Uttar Pradesh

Ranjna Gupta, Jitendra Chauhan &P.N. Kaul


The present study was conducted in the selected KVKs of Uttar Pradesh from different Agro climatic zones to study the profile of women trainees of these KVKs. The findings of the study show that KVK IVRI attracts the maximum number of trainees whereas minimum number of trainings conducted at one KVK of SAU. Further the maximum numbers of trainings are conducted in the off- campus category whereas the minimums are conducted in the on-campus (with staying) category. The maximum numbers of women are trained at the KVK IVRI, whereas the least number are trained at one KVK of SAU. The study further reveals that the main source of information about training programme is the trainer of KVK .The study shows that the trainee herself take decisions mostly only in case of off-campus trainings whereas for the remaining two types of trainings , it is her husband or other elders who usually decide for her joining the training or otherwise. Further in almost all the selected KVKs “gaining knowledge” was reported as the main point kept in mind while deciding to attend the training programmes.

Keyword: Trainings, On-campus trainings , Off-campus trainings

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