Authors' Guidelines

All the authors are requested to follow the following instructions in preparation of research article for publication in Indian Research Journal of Extension Education (IRJEE).


The Indian Research Journal of Extension Education (IRJEE) is the official refereed publication of the Society for Extension Education Agra (SEE). The journal is published in both print and online versions. [Print ISSN: 0972-2181; Online ISSN: 0976-1071]. It is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes scientific articles concerned with all aspects of extension science in general and agriculture as well as allied extension education in particular to enhance the research acumen and knowledge base of extension science for upliftment of rural society on multidimensional perspectives. The journal is peer reviewed and committed to timely publication of original research and reviewed articles. The journal is designed mainly to serve researchers, dealing with extension research. For publication in the IRJEE, the article must pass the IRJEE's double blind, refereed process, where peer reviewers evaluate manuscript content and ensure readability. Reviewers are selected from the SEE membership and extended family of researchers. In the double-blind referee process, all references to authors are removed before the manuscript is sent to reviewers. Articles should relate to current or emerging issues, cite appropriate literature, and develop implications for different dimensions of extension science. Articles can be focused in one of three contexts – Empirical Research, Methodological or Theoretical/Conceptual. Manuscripts, or portions of manuscripts, must not have been published or be under consideration for publication by another journal. The journal is published regularly since 2001, with distribution to libraries of universities, research centres, researchers in extension science, agriculture science and other allied sciences.


Submission of a manuscript infers that the work described has not been published earlier (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, or thesis), and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The publications by Indian Research Journal of Extension Education are freely available to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt, provide the original work and source is appropriately cited.


Indian Research Journal of Extension Education has devised a specific plagiarism policy as per University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi, India criteria to promote honest work in academics. As per plagiarism policy, 15% plagiarism is admissible in any submission to the journal. It is more convenient to submit Urkund report while submitting paper to the journal.


Indian Research Journal of Extension Education is an Open Access, self-supporting journal and do not receive any funding from any institution/government. The operation of the journal is only financed by the handling fees received from authors, members and institutional members of the Society of Extension Education, Agra. The handling fees are required to meet the maintenance of the journal. All articles published by the journal are freely accessible over the internet. There are no submission charges however; authors are required to pay the Society of Extension Education Agra membership fee for publishing their articles. All the authors must be the member of the Society. Authors are required to make payment only after their manuscript has been accepted for publication.


Indian Research Journal of Extension Education ensures that all articles published in the journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial screening by the editorial committee and, if found suitable for further consideration, double-blind refereeing by at least two referees who are active in the academic community. The purpose of the refereeing process is to ensure that articles provide relevant and accurate material for those who do and use research, including researchers, academics, agricultural education and extension managers, trainers and experts, communication professionals, human resources specialists, and policy makers.


Papers should be subdivided into sections. There should be a Title including addresses & e-mails of the authors, Abstract with key words, Introduction, Objectives, Methodology, Results & Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements if any and only cited references. The detailed information is as follows:

Title :

The title of the paper/article must reflect the contents described in the text of that article/paper. It should be simple, short, specific and informative including Latin names in italics.

Authors’ name :

Authors’ name, affiliation, WhatsApp No. and e-mail of author(s).

Corresponding author’s :

Name with address, affiliation, WhatsApp no. and e-mail must be mention in script for further communication/any clarifications etc.

Highlights of the Research :

Three bullet points regarding the novelty of the research outcome

Introduction :

The introduction provides justification and rationale for the study as it is concise prelude, highlighting the study’s significance, statement of the problem, or the objectives of experiment. It briefly justifies the research while specifying the hypotheses to be tested, setting the stage for the upcoming investigation and objectives (not more than three). The study should be discussed in view of references not more than 5-year-old, until and unless essential. The section must encompass the problem’s essence, a comprehensive review of pertinent literature, hypothesis, approach, and rationale behind the chosen methodology. Avoidance of trade names is crucial, industrial products should be referenced using their chemical names (with ingredients in parentheses) upon the first mention. When a common name is unavailable, preference should be given to the full name or a defined abbreviation over a trade name.

Graphical Abstract :

Pictorial presentation of the model, methods, decision flow, relational concept, conceptual framework etc.


(must be in 250-300 words)


Background of the Study, 3-4 lines (50-60 words).

Objective :

Aims of the Study, three lines (30-40 words).

Methods :

Brief methodology, five lines (60-70 words).

Results & Discussion :

Outcome and salient conclusion (70-80 words).

Significance :

Recommendation and policy implication, three lines (40-50 words)

Keywords :

4-5 appropriate words which reflect the study.

Methodology :

The methodology section meticulously details the experimental model or field study undertaken, presented in a comprehensive and sequential manner allowing reproducibility. Avoidance of subheadings is encouraged. For commonly known methods, citation of standard work suffices; any modifications made must be elucidated. Descriptions of experimental materials and statistical models should be explicit. Thorough validation of calculations and deductions derived from them is imperative. Use of international standard units of measurement, symbols, and abbreviations, particularly metric units (SI units) is preferred. Symbols should be defined immediately after their initial use within equations. It should be based on: