
The membership of society is open to extension workers, IT professionals, Scientists, Agriculture, Home Science, Veterinary and Animals Husbandry Institutes, ICAR Research Institutes, KVKs, SAUs and State Universities from all part of India as well as from abroad. For students to get the benefit of the Society’s activities and publication, a provision has been made to enroll them as student members at a reduced fee. Now anyone can anywhere from all part of India as well as from abroad. To join SEEA online,

Membership fee
MembershipFor Indian
Life membership₹ 5000/-
Annual membership₹ 2000/-
Student life membership₹ 3000/-
Institutions (Annual)₹ 10000/-
Abroad membership₹ 8000/-
Payment should be made in the Account

Dr. Jitendra Kumar Chauhan

General Secretary, Society of Extension Education

Advance Research & Management Centre of Rural Environment

810, Paschimpuri, Agra-282007 India

Mobile: 91-9412257569,
