COMPENDIUM, IEEC-2023   ( ISBN : 978-81-967860-4-5 )
Theme-4: Advances in Social Management in Agriculture and Allied Sciences

Need for social justice for the upliftment of women

Priyanka Bhati

College of Community Science, Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agriculture University, Bikaner, Rajasthan


Modern-day priorities include improving women's political, social, economic, and health conditions as well as their autonomy and empowering them. The five pillars of women's empowerment are their sense of self-worth, their right to make and utilize choices, their access to opportunities and resources, their right to have the authority to manage their own lives, both inside and outside the home, and their capacity to direct social change towards the development of a more just social and economic order, both domestically and globally. Due to the heavy workloads, lack of power, and lack of influence, women are threatened for their lives, health, and general well-being all over the world. Social injustice is the biggest hindrance in achieving the full potential of women. The significance of social justice has been recognized by the government of India ages ago. From the Fifth Five Year Plan (1974-78) onwards there has been a marked shift in the approach to women’s issues from welfare to development. In recent years, the empowerment of women has been recognized as the central issue in determining the status of women both in urban and rural areas. Various policies, laws, and strategies have been made and implemented by the government to encourage every stakeholder to achieve the goal of a safe environment for women in India that is facilitating collaboration between field-level employees of the departments of health, rural development, banks, financial institutions, education, and women's and children's concerns and other village-level functionaries. In spite of the efforts that were made, the maximum output is not achieved and there is an urgent need to consider the effectiveness of the disseminated policies. Women are the pillar of society and it's the collaborative responsibility of everyone to ensure her safety.

IEEC-2023 at RARI (SKNAU, Jobner), Jaipur, Rajasthan organised by Society of Extension Education, Agra, India