COMPENDIUM, IEEC-2023   ( ISBN : 978-81-967860-4-5 )
Theme-4: Advances in Social Management in Agriculture and Allied Sciences

Empowering Women Through Food Processing: A Study of Saharanpur District (UP)

Nisha Panwar

ML&JNK Girls college, Saharanpur (UP)


Empowering Women Through Food Processing: A Study of Saharanpur District (UP) Author- Nisha Panwar Ph.D. Scholar Dept. of Home science ML&JNK Girls College, Saharanpur (UP) Email- Co-author- Prof. Seema Rani Dept. of Home Science ML&JNK Girls College, Saharanpur (UP) Email- Women contribute significantly to venture formation, according to emerging literature. Additionally sustained growth through creating new jobs and opportunities, which have a positive impact on reducing poverty. In recent years, there has been a lot of research focused on women’s roles in social production with the introduction of the women decade which officially acknowledged the significance of researching different aspects of women’s roles. In India the years 1975-1985 have observed a rise in studies on a number of features of female gender. Even so the first research was mainly focused on the social features of women’s position, the concerning decrease in the proportion of women participating as noted in the committee on women’s status. The sustainable development of India, the empowerment of rural women, and the reduction of rural poverty can all be greatly aided by the rural food processing sector. By providing a ready market for farm products, it can increase farm incomes by creating jobs off the farm and lowering rural-urban migration. Small- and medium-sized businesses make up majority of food processing sectors in rural areas, and they face challenges such as inadequate infrastructure, lack of qualified labour, and lack of entrepreneurial aptitude. The article outlines traits and issues of agribusiness for rural development, focusing on small- and medium-sized food processing sector centred around agricultural villages. It also offers a means of communication with policy makers and suggests solutions to address these issues.

IEEC-2023 at RARI (SKNAU, Jobner), Jaipur, Rajasthan organised by Society of Extension Education, Agra, India